Representative Food Service And Restaurant Projects
Linden Tree Café dining terrace and graphics, Huntington, New York
Tillie & George’s Produce storefront and graphics redesign, New York, New York
Larkspur Deli graphics concept, Larkspur, California
Piper Sonoma tasting room, Windsor, California (with Roland/Miller Associates)
Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards fermentation room interior, Windsor, California (with Roland/Miller
Santa Rosa Grille, Santa Rosa, California
Sparrow’s Roost Winery, Napa, California
The Apple Box, Petaluma, California
The Apple Box Expansion, Petaluma, California
Aram’s Cafe, Petaluma, California
Steamer Gold Landing remodel, Petaluma, California
Steamer Gold Landing, outdoor dining deck renovation and canopy, Petaluma, California
Dempsey’s Restaurant and Brewery (original installation), Petaluma, California
The New Yorker Pizzeria, Petaluma, California
Bluestone Main tea room, Petaluma, California
The Hide Away dining and BBQ deck, Petaluma, California
American Alley Club, Petaluma, California
Petaluma Market Addition, Petaluma, California
Phoenix Theatre Snack Bar, Petaluma, California
Viva Mexico, Petaluma, California
Tomales Pizzeria, Tomales, California
Nordstrom Classic Cafe, Menlo Park, New Jersey (with Engstrom Design Group)
Nordstrom Café Bistro adaptation, Coral Gables, Florida (with Engstrom Design Group)
Nordstrom In House adaptation, La Jolla, California (with Engstrom Design Group)
Nordstrom Marketplace Cafe, San Diego, California (with Engstrom Design Group)
Nordstrom Espresso Cart refreshment, San Diego, California (with Engstrom Design Group)
Nordstrom In House adaptation, Chandler, Arizona (with Engstrom Design Group)
Nordstrom Espresso Cart prototype design (with Engstrom Design Group)
Panera adaptation permitting, Sacramento, California (with RHL, Inc.)
McDonald’s restaurant refreshment projects, multiple California and Nevada locations (with
RHL, Inc.)
McDonald’s façade renovation prototype (with RHL, Inc.)
McGuire’s Pub façade remodel, Petaluma, California (with Weir/Andrewson Associates)
Cioppino, Bodega Bay, California (with Morse and Cleaver Architects)
Mountain Mike’s Pizza (franchise adaptation), Petaluma, California
Kumari’s Cuisine, Petaluma, California (with Morse and Cleaver Architects)
Food Service Property Condition Assessments, multiple locations, California
(with AllWest Environmental and Marx|Okubo Associates, Ltd.)
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